Is Suicide the “Unforgivable Sin?” The Bible Says Series – Ministry Videos

Does God forgive suicide? Is suicide the “unforgivable sin?” Pastor Brad discusses this sensitive subject and brings great hope to loved ones who encountered such tragedy in their own lives and families.

Bible Says Devo #11: HANG IN THERE! The Awesome Power and Promises of Waiting on God – Ministry Videos

Pastor Brad discusses one of the most important skills necessary for the successful Christian walk…waiting upon God. In this “short & sweet” devo, 5 powerful Bible promises are discussed.

Bible Says Devo #10: The Mystery of the Justice of God – Ministry Videos

In this highly educational video, pastor Brad reveals the key to understanding the mystery of God’s justice. How could a “just” God allow such suffering in the world? Why does evil flourish while righteousness goes unrewarded. Find out here!

GOSSIP! The Church’s Greatest Nemesis! The Bible Says Series – Ministry Videos

It’s one of the most destructive “sins” in the church today. In fact, the United States is virtually fueled by this evil. Gossip! What is it? And how can you guard yourself against it? Pastor Brad discusses the challenges we face with this insidious enemy.

Are There Rewards in Heaven? YES!!! The Bible Says Series – Ministry Videos

This is one of pastor Brad’s favorite subjects. The Bible’s “crystal-clear” teaching about the reward structure in Heaven. In fact, there are a variety of rewards in Heaven. Also in this video you will learn about the biblical reality of “two judgment days.”

The Need for Water

KTLN PLY 1711 Brad Reiches

Was Jesus Really Tempted in Everything? The Bible Says Series – Ministry Videos

Pastor Brad uncovers the delusion behind the false teaching that Jesus was tempted in every depraved, perverse, manifestation of sin that has ever plagued humankind. He goes further in helping us understand what the true, biblical meaning of the verse, “Jesus was tempted in all things as we are,” really means.

Does God Forget Sin? The Bible Says Series – Ministry Videos

Pastor Brad discusses the fallacy that God somehow forgets our sin. In this Bible Says Series video, we discover the real meaning behind the scripture, “And their sins I will remember no more.” God doesn’t “forget” sin…He forgives sin!

Bible Says Devo #4 The Romans Road! – Ministry Videos

The Ways of Salvation according to the Bible. In this eternally significant video, pastor Brad reviews the gospel according to the book of Romans. In this world of pseudo-Christianity, false gospels and fairy-tale Christianity, here we have a clear description of what the Bible actually teaches regarding eternal salvation, thus answering the question, “What must I do to be saved?”

Bible Says Devo #2: Always Build Up…Never Tear Down! – Ministry Videos

Pastor Brad unveils the amazing reality that, “If you can speak, you are one of the most powerful people in the world!” It’s true! The Bible teaches that our words carry with them the power to bless and to curse, to build up and to tear down.

Warriors in Your Midst Book Trailer

Brad Reiches No Men Left Behind Breakfast


Was Jesus Really Born of a Virgin? The Bible Says Series – Ministry Videos

Pastor Brad challenges the Discovery Channel’s “panel of experts” in regard to the question, “Was Jesus Really Born of a Virgin.” As you will “discover” according to the Bible, there really is no controversy at all!

PROOF! Extra-biblical Evidence of the Life, Death of Jesus. pt. 3 – Ministry Videos

Pastor Brad continues his discussion on the extra-biblical sources that provide irrefutable evidence for the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Using “hostile witnesses” as his primary resources, this series refutes the suggestion by Bill Maher that no such evidence exists.

PROOF! Extra-biblical Evidence of the Life, Death of Jesus. pt.1 – Ministry Videos

Pastor Brad begins his discussion on the extra-biblical sources that provide irrefutable evidence for the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Using “hostile witnesses” as his primary resources, this series refutes the suggestion by Bill Maher that no such evidence exists.

How Could A Loving God Send Anyone to Hell? The Bible Says Series – Ministry Videos

This video is a part of the Bible Says Series discussing the very naive, and biblically ignorant question, “How Could a Loving God Send Anyone to Hell?” Far from sending people to Hell, God has gone to great lengths to provide salvation to all who desire it.

GodThoughtsLive! The Single Greatest Question You Will Ever Ask – Ministry Videos

Pastor Brad discusses the all important question, “What Do You Believe About the Bible?” Brad argues that this is the single most important question in the world because, depending on how you answer this question will determine your answers to all of life’s other significant questions.

Fairy-Tale Christianity 7: The #1 Church Growth Technique in America! – Ministry Videos

The “Church-Guy” is at it again! This time exposing the modern manifestations of 2 Timothy 4:3 which says, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires.” INDEED!

Bible Says Devo #8: YOU CAN DO IT! – Ministry Videos

MOTIVATION TIMES TEN! This may well be the most “inspired” and uplifting two minutes you will ever experience! Listen in as pastor Brad describes some the Bible’s greatest motivational truths!

Bible Says Devo #7: The SECRET of Reaping What You Sow! – Ministry Videos

One of the greatest revelations that God has ever given pastor Brad is this: We don’t always reap when we sow, or where we sow, but we DO ALWAYS reap what we sow. You can bank on it!

Bible Says Devo #6 The SECRET of How to Get More! – Ministry Videos

Pastor Brad reveals one of the secrets that he has uncovered from the word of God. Following Jesus Christ for 45+ years definitely has its perks as this video reveals. “The secrets of the Lord are for those who fear Him.” INDEED!

Bible Says Devo #9: The Prosperity of the Soul! – Ministry Videos

This is one of pastor Brad’s favorite topics. As described in Psalm 25:12-13, this is one of the Bible’s “conditional” promises. Peace, joy, contentment, fulfillment and zeal for life are all a part of the “Prosperity of the Soul,” available to all who live their lives in reverence to God.

Guest Speaker Brad Reiches

Brad Reiches No Men Left Behind Breakfast

Special Guest Speaker Brad Reiches